Queer Resources
Due to spam email and personal health issues, I am no longer taking suggestions for this page at the moment. ​
People are always asking me for LGBTQIAP+ resources and book recommendations. Sometimes, it's by people in the queer community and other times it's by those looking to write inclusive characters. Regardless of your sexuality and gender identity, you still need to do your research before writing outside your lane! If you're a writer or an ally with questions, these links should get you started.
A list of advocacy and support organizations is provided at the bottom.
If you're questioning your sexuality or gender identity, know that it's okay. You are allowed to feel what you're feeling. Don't be overwhelmed and take things one step at a time. Start with terms, read a few books, and call someone if you need to. There are links to support groups and phone lines at the bottom of this page which can help. Take a deep breath. You've got this.
If you like my writing, the work I've done, and want to help out with my medical bills, consider sending a ko-fi my way. Any little bit helps!
I have an ongoing Goodreads list of gender questioning, non-binary, and trans books that spans all genres and age groups.
Feel free to also check out my Goodreads Queer Reads shelf and Queer YA & Adult book list. All these lists are updated regularly.
More YA recommendations, interviews, and book reviews are available on the GayYA. Here is their masterlist divided by Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, and Asexual/Aromantic identities. One of the moderators recently started a Twitter page for Trans Lit to promote works and authors along the trans spectrum.
I've found several places dedicated to reviewing and promoting books with asexual, more asexual, and demisexual characters and demisexuals in fiction. Here is some FREE ace/aro fiction. And ace master list with reviews and descriptions.
I've found several places dedicated to reviewing and promoting books with asexual, more asexual, and demisexual characters and demisexuals in fiction. Here is some FREE ace/aro fiction. And ace master list with reviews and descriptions.
Other lists of characters by gender identity or sexuality:
Fictional Depictions of Non-Binary Gender
Intersex characters in fiction
List of Fictional Non-Binary Characters
List of LGBT Characters in Modern Written Fiction
List of Trans Fictional Characters
And if you're starting to write queer lit, please read 9 Queer Stereotypes I'm Sick Of Reading In YA Lit by Amelia Roskin-Frazee.
Terms, Resources, and Fact Sheets
If you’re looking for resources and safe places to find things like definitions on different genders or how to approach your loved ones with your new identity, I have information on that, too!
Human Right’s Campaign’s list of LGBTQ Resources (PDF)
http://Genderspectrum.org Is a very accepting, easy to understand website that has good information on all spectrums of gender. Here is their article on gender questioning.
Reachout.com is also a great source for articles. They have fact sheets on gender identity, debunking LGBTQ myths, and pronouns
Safe Zone Project doesn’t offer full online training anymore, but they still have information about sensitivity, terms, and how to approach people. Check to see if your school or university has Safe Zone ALLYs! I was a certified ALLY for four years in my previous job, which meant that people knew they could come to me to talk, ask LGBTQ+ related questions, get help, and know that I wouldn’t judge. My area was a designated safe space.
It's Pronounced Metrosexual has a Comprehensive List of LGBTQ+ Vocabulary Definitions for easy browsing.
Some quick LGBTQIAAP+ links:
The Asexual thread on Twitter about various types of attraction
Asexuality, Attraction, and Romantic Orientation
Asexual Relationships, Masturbation And Romance In The Ace Community (INFOGRAPHIC) from the Huffington Post
Asexuality Imzy (An Alternative to AVEN)
Asexuality Imzy Aromantics Group
Asexual Visibility and Education Network AVEN
The Asexuality Blog Tumblr
The Asexuality Blog Resources and Articles
AVEN Forums
Asexual Advice Tumblr Glossary
Asexuality: Myths, Misconceptions and Other Things That Are Just Plain Wrong from the Asexuality Archive
Comic Explaining Asexuality and Myths
Comic Debunking Asexuality Myths
Demisexuality Resource Center
F*ck Yeah Asexual Tumblr FAQ
F*ck Yeah Asexual Discord Group (A Safe Chat Group for Ace-Spec/Aros)

Bi/Pan/Polysex, etc:
World Health Organization's (WHO) Gender, equity and human rights page
WHO Gender fact sheet
Gender Wiki

General Gay and Queer:
Trans and Transition Information:
First, let me link to the GLAAD Transgender Resources. It's a complete list of legal, medical, and general information that encompasses the entire transition process, including numbers to call if you need help.
Those AFAB (assigned female at birth) looking for more information on transitioning and resources can visit Hudson's FTM Guide. It is an invaluable source that backs its pages with facts and gives you the science behind transitioning.
Some people use the trans* with an asterisk to refer to everyone under the trans umbrella, including trans-adjacent nonbinary people like me. Some, do not like this and have stopped. You can read about it here:
Why We Used Trans* and Why We Don't Anymore-- Trans Student.org

YouTubers are amazing! They have literally put their transitions on the internet to help other trans people. You are not alone. Here's a list of popular Trans YouTubers to get you started (borrowed from here):
FTM (Female to Male) :
FTM Transtastic
You're So Brave mtf (not always trans topics) Podcast by Chase Ross and Aaron Ansuini (I listen every week)
UppercaseCHASE1 aka Chase Ross
Ty Turner
Ryan Cassata
Stefan Barton
Leo Palacios (Spanish youtuber)
Tyince aka Tyler
Jake Edwards
Cayden Carter
ALionsfears aka Ayden Dowling
Nick Camryn
MTF (Male To Female):
Andrea Chrysnathe
Jesyka S.
Melanie Rye
Jessica Inadream
Queen Celine
Aurora Andrews
Stef Sanjati
Andrian Aliazas
Girl Rainbow
Gigi Gorgeous
Androgynous/ Non-Binary:​
Jaen Simone
Saline Simon
Ash Mardell (recently came out as trans NB)
Out of This Binary
Lane P.
Sebastian Columbine
Trans Support and Resources:
I found a huge list that I wanted to add to my own resources. This is from a Tumblr post I came across written by username alkanive . Everything you see in the following list is their compiled information and uses their words. Unfortunately, the original post is now gone and the Tumblr doesn't have many posts. I'm giving credit where credit is due to alkanive for this amazing list:
Hi, back to Dill. Here are a few links for both MtF and FtM and Nonbinary or Questioning folks:
For those MtF, Femme Secrets has regular blog posts, tips, tricks, and provides support to those transitioning. Here is a link to Just Evelynn's out-of-print book MOM, I NEED TO BE A GIRL, posted with permission of the author. Here's a link to the PDF.
For a general transitioning and non-binary guide, see the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition MTPC Resource Wiki. Laura's Playground and Susan's Place aren't my first go-to, but they have tons of resources for people of all ages. I prefer Trans Road Map. I am seeking more trans women resources! If any links or pages have been helpful for you during your transition, please send them my way. You can contact me @dillwerner on Twitter or leave a comment.
Here is an article from Trans Guys for FtM about trans clothing exchanges and binding/where to get free binders. If you have Instagram or Twitter, search for #bindergiveaway. Many trans figures like Chase Ross have monthly giveaways and are sponsored by binder companies, which give them discount codes, too. Be on the lookout!
Trans Articles:
On Being a Good Trans Ally by Meredith Russo, author of IF I WAS YOUR GIRL.
6 Awful Lessons I Learned Transitioning from Female to Male by Amanda Mannen & Roman Jones
5 Shocking Realities of Being Transgender the Media Ignores by Robert Evans
The Hero’s Journey in Trans YA by Vee S (GayYA has done entire series on sexuality awareness with guest authors)
Rise of the Gender Novel by Casey Plett (Here is the accompanying podcast)
We Need Trans Books… But We Really Need Trans Writers by Elliot Wake, author of BAD BOY, BLACK IRIS, CAM GIRL, and UNTEACHABLE (This has more links to the Trans Awareness Week Series from the GayYA)
Writing Sex Scenes With Less Cissexism, Pt 1: Between Characters by Xan West
Writing Sex Scenes With Less Cissexism, Pt 2: Story Level Trans-Exclusion by Xan West
Trans Documentaries:
If you're looking for documentaries, I suggest the following with the content warning that some use cis-centered language and phrases like "born in the wrong body" or "trapped in the wrong body" or "X born a Y:"
Australia's Transgender PreTeens on YouTube
Be Like Others, a documentary film about transsexuality in Iran on YouTube
My Transgender Summercamp on YouTube
Passing on Amazon Prime
Southern Comfort on YouTube
Trans on Amazon Prime
Transgender Kids on Youtube
Transsexual Stories on YouTube
What's the T? on Amazon Prime
A full list of trans documentaries can be found here.
A list of transgender characters in media can be found here.
Start with the Intersex Society of North America (ISNA)'s webpage and the Intersex Campaign for Equality.
A PDF on how to be a good intersex ally.
I recommend the following documentaries:
Hermaphrodites Speak from YouTube
Intersexion: Gender Ambiguity Unveiled, available on Amazon Prime.
Is it a Boy or a Girl? YouTube Playlist
Pidgeon's Intersex Volg
What's It Like To Be Intersex? A YouTube Short by Buzzfeed
Nonbinary Pronouns:
Here is a complete list of nonbinary pronouns with examples and a second list on Wikipedia with the page to give you more information.
UNF LGBT Resource Center with pronoun tables
Third Person Pronouns Wikipedia
Ask A Nonbinary—List of Pronouns (big list)
Gender Neutral/Queer Titles How do you address someone who is gender neutral?
Regender! A tool that will rewrite a webpage to make all pronouns gender neutral and more.
The Singular They by Sarah Sweet
Wikipedia's Page on Gender Neutral Pronouns Starting with Singular "They."
(It seems someone else has purchased this URL for the time being) Nonbinary.org has all your non-binary needs, language, history, and otherwise!
Nonbinary Genders:
In fiction:
A Goodreads list of Non-Binary and Genderqueer Characters in YA Fiction and another Listopia from Goodreads of Genderqueer tags. Don't forget to check out my list of Gender Questioning Books.
Here's a librarian's recommendations of Young Adult Books Featuring Genderqueer / Non-binary Trans Characters.
Time for some articles!
10 Myths About Non-Binary People It’s Time to Unlearn by Adrian Ballou
7 Things You Should Never Ask a Trans (or Gender Non-Conforming) Person Short on YouTube by TeenVogue
8 Things Non-Binary People Need to Know by Sam Dylan Finch
A genderqueer activist explains what it means to be nonbinary on the gender spectrum by German Lopez
Charities and groups that benefit gender variant people
Gender Wiki
Genderqueer and Non-Binary Identities The aim of Genderqueer and Non-Binary Identities is to provide awareness, information, and resources for genderqueer, non-binary, questioning, and gender non-conforming people and their allies. -Marilyn Roxie
Genderqueer-friendly Organizations, Support Groups, and Events
I'm a Gender Non-Conforming Parent YouTube Short by Buzzfeed
Non-Binary and Genderqueer Support Forums
None of the Above by Matt Huston
Too Queer for Your Binary: Everything You Need to Know and More About Non-Binary Identities by Kaylee Jakubowski
What the Heck Is Genderqueer? by Evan Urquhart
National Advocacy and Support Organizations:
Asexual Visibility and Asexual Visibility and Education Network (AVEN)
Br{ache the Silence (BTS) (US) fights against the anti-LGBTQ stigma in sports
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
American Veterans for Equal Rights
Association of LGBTQ Psychiatrists
BiNet USA National Bisexual Network
Campus Pride is an organization for student leaders and campus groups working to create a safer college environment for LGBTQ students.
Equality Federation is the movement builder and strategic partner to state-based organizations advocating for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people.
Family Equality Council is changing attitudes and policies to ensure all families are respected, loved, and celebrated — especially those with parents who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer.
Fearless Project is a photography series about LGBT athletes on high school and college sports teams
Gay & Lesbian Advocates & is a legal rights organization that works to end discrimination based on sexual orientation, HIV status, and gender identity and expression.Defenders
Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)
Gay and Lesbian Medical Association
Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)
Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is America's largest civil rights organization working to achieve lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer equality.
International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission
Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund
Lesbian & Gay Immigration Rights Task Force
LGBT Books to Prisoners
National Black Justice Coalition
National Center for Lesbian Rights
National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE)
National Consortium of Directors of LGBT Resources in Higher Education
National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (US) 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
National Transgender Advocacy Coalition (NTAC)
National Youth Advocacy Coalition
Older Lesbians Organizing for Change (OLOC)
Out and Equal Workplace Advocates
Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG)
Prison Book Program Donation (LGBTQ+ and trans books needed)
Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network (RAINN)
Services & Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Elders (SAGE)
Sylvia Rivera Law Project works to guarantee that all people are free to self-determine gender identity and expression, regardless of income or race, and without facing harassment, discrimination or violence.
Out Serve - Service Members Legal Defense Network (SLDN) provides LGBT legal services
Trans LifeLine US: (877) 565-8860 Canada: (877) 330-6366 is a hotline staffed by transgender people for transgender people.
Transathlete.com (US) is a resource for students, athletes, coaches, and administrators to find information about trans inclusion in athletics at various levels of play.
TransWomen of Color Collective is a group that provides uplifting the narratives, leadership, and lived experiences of trans people of color.
Trevor Project 866-488-7386 is a national 24-hour, toll-free confidential suicide hotline for gay and questioning youth
Victory Fund helps to elect LGBT leaders to change America's politics
You Belong Initiative (US) encourages inclusion through the provision of innovative youth development programs, training and consulting services and diversity initiatives.
You Can Play Project promotes LGBTQ+ athletes and allies teaming up for respect.
This is a growing list of resources. More updates to come. If you have any problems with the sources listed or want to add more, please send me a message below (use anonymous names or emails if needed). I am more than willing to work with the community to provide adequate resources for people, parents, and allies.
-Dill Werner